As the first – and only – National Science Foundation-funded research center at UC Merced, the NSF-CREST Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines (CCBM) has become a high-profile and prestigious entity. Its 25-plus world-class faculty seek solutions to global and local challenges in biotechnology, medicine, the environment and energy. The interdisciplinary and student-inclusive research has resulted in exciting work in biomolecular machines, macromolecular assemblies and hybrid devices, and cellular and multi-cellular systems. The CCBM, which is helping build the university’s research infrastructure and capacity, is also recognized for its dedication to education, outreach and broadening participation for underrepresented students in STEM fields, including K-12, undergraduate and graduate levels. Though the center has not yet completed its fourth year, already one in 100 campus members – more than 1 percent of the campus community – is involved or affiliated, including faculty, scientists and students from such disciplines as bioengineering, physics, chemistry and chemical biology, materials science and engineering, and molecular and cell biology. CCBM faculty are earning prestigious awards and grants and being recognized for their outstanding work. Here are just a few examples