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The NSF-CREST Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines provides a range of funding opportunities for faculty, scientist, and student affiliates. 

Center affiliates are eligible to apply for Seed Project Awards, Research Enhancement Awards, CCBM Fellowship Awards, Travel Awards, and Training Awards. Details and application instructions are here:

PAUSED (as of Feb. 21, 2025) - CCBM Funding Opportunities

Reminder - For those who are awarded CCBM funding, cite the center grants (Phase I and II) as relevant in your papers, presentations, etc.:
NSF-CREST: Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines at the University of California, Merced (NSF-HRD-1547848 and NSF-HRD-2112675)

See Funded CCBM Fellows and their advisors as well as statistics.
Clarification on caps - July 2022:
We are very pleased that many of you have submitted applications for CCBM funding opportunities, including CCBM Research Enhancement Awards, Seed Project Awards, Fellowships, Training Awards, and Travel Awards. We have been able to fund a good number – and for some types, all – of those applications submitted.
Going forward, we will be setting caps to ensure equitable distribution of CREST funds amongst the active CCBM faculty groups (including 30 CCBM faculty in the three thrusts). Each group will be able to receive a maximum of 3 travel/training awards per fiscal year (associated with the primary faculty member) beginning immediately (with a period of July 1-June 30 annually), as funds permit. For joint applications that are not evenly led, the awards will be counted towards the primary faculty member. If evenly led, the award will equal 1/2. For Research Enhancement Awards and CCBM Seed Project Awards, each group will be able to have only one of each of these at a time. For CCBM Fellowship Awards, we already consider equitable distribution in the evaluation process.
We ask you to please plan accordingly in your application preparations regarding who should apply and when. Details on applying:

Please note that it is expected that those groups and members receiving center funds are actively participating in and contributing to the CCBM in various ways – through active participation in thrust meetings, center events, trainings/educational opportunities, mentoring of students, outreach sessions, evaluation of applications as requested, NSF reporting, external evaluation, etc. It is not expected that members do all of these activities all of the time, but that they are active across multiple areas on a regular basis.

Funding Level
Seed Project Awards
Up to $5,000
Research Enhancement Awards
Up to $10,000
CCBM Fellowship Awards
Includes fellowships, tuition, and fees + up to $2,500 for materials/supplies/equipment
Travel Awards
Up to $1500 / limited duration
Training Awards
TBD / limited duration


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