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2017 CCBM Open House

Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines
1st Annual CCBM Open House

Friday, September 22, 2017

UC Merced, 5200 North Lake Road


Open to all faculty, staff, students & local community



Keynote Lecture by Dr. Manu Prakash, Stanford University Bioengineer & MacArthur "Genius" Award Recipient
“Physical Biologist and Inventor applying principles of soft-condensed matter physics to unravel microscale mysteries of living and nonliving matter and inventing affordable technologies for global education, health, and science explorations.”


"Curiosity, Frugal Science and Global Health: Opportunities and Challenges"
Abstract: Somebody once said, “What a damn fool can do for a dollar, an engineer can do for a nickel.” Thinking about cost as an engineering constraint brings new life to ideas. This is what makes the difference between an idea influencing a hundred people or a billion. With our planet literally teeming with problems, it’s time to take cost constraints into serious consideration. As physicists, we like to make stuff. We use these skills (and field work) to design solutions for extremely resource-constrained settings, especially in the field of global health and science education. I will discuss our current work from field diagnostics to high-throughput vector ecology and hands-on science education.



10:00-11:00 am--CCBM-affiliated lab tours, SE1, SE2

11:00-12:30 pm--Poster session with CCBM Fellows, Scholars, and Affiliates with pizza lunch, SE1 sidewalk facing north and on quad

11:15-12:15 pm—Poster session judging, SE1 sidewalk facing north and on quad

12:45-1:45 pm--Keynote Presentation: Dr. Manu Prakash, COB1, 120

2:00-3:00 pm--Foldscope activities and other demonstrations, SSB 160, 130

3:00-4:00 pm--CCBM-affiliated lab tours, SE1, SE2

4:00-5:00 pm--Science and Technology Enrichment Program (STEP) participant poster session, SE 1, 2nd floor atrium

5:00-5:30 pm--Poster awards announced and reception, SE 1, 2nd floor atrium

Congratulations to the CCBM Open House poster awardees: #1: Joel Heisler, #2: Joe Lopes, #3: Suhani Nagpal, Honorable Mention: Chandra Bergmann, with poster judges Drs. Manu Prakash (Stanford University), Michael Colvin (UC Merced), and Abhigyan Sengupta (UC Merced).


Free Admission for Everyone. Space is limited, and early registration is encouraged.
Guest parking available in Lake Lot 2. Permit-less parking dispenser, credit card only (no cash).


Contact: Carrie Kouadio, (e) (p) (209) 228-3608


CCBM Executive Committee:
Dr. Victor Muñoz, Co-director & Professor of Bioengineering
Dr. Ajay Gopinathan, Co-director & Professor of Physics
Dr. Sayantani Ghosh, Associate Professor of Physics
Dr. Kara McCloskey, Associate Professor of Bioengineering


CCBM Administrative Staff:
Carrie Kouadio, CCBM Executive Director
Nora Cole, CCBM Programs Manager


Campus map
SE 1: Science and Engineering 1
SE 2: Science and Engineering 2
COB1: Classroom and Office Building 1
SSB: Student Services Building

The NSF-CREST Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines uses an interdisciplinary approach combining physical, biological and engineering methods to understand and control the functioning of multi-scale assemblies of biomolecules and cells, and to design and develop novel bio-inspired functioning machines ranging from designer cells and tissue to diagnostic and therapeutic devices. The center is also focused on enhancing biophysics, biochemistry, and bioengineering graduate and undergraduate education, as well as leading K-12 STEM outreach activities in the Merced area for teachers and students.