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2019 CCBM Open House

September 27, 2019 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines
3rd Annual CCBM Open House

Friday, September 27, 2019
UC Merced, 5200 North Lake Road

Open to all faculty, staff, students & local community


Keynote Lecture by Eva Nogales

Dr. Nogales is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator; a Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of California, Berkeley; and Senior Faculty Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She obtained her B.S. degree in physics from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain). She did her thesis work at the Synchrotron Radiation Source (U.K.), under the supervision of Joan Bordas, on the structural dynamics of tubulin assembly, earning a Ph.D. degree from the University of Keele. Her work in Kenneth Downing's group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory involved the use of electron crystallography to determine the high-resolution structure of tubulin.